Positive Psychology Essay

Positive Psychology Essay

The case assignment is a 5-8 page (excluding cover references pages) paper written in APA format that includes the material and topics covered in Modules 1-4. A minimum of six (6) sources must be used to support your comments, although more sources are highly encouraged. Sources must be a combination of sources used in the course and sources found in independent research. All sources must be referenced and cited in the body of your assignment and formatted to APA criteria. Ensure that your paper includes a formal introduction, conclusion, and all required topics are separated by at the very minimum, section (Level 1) headings. Do not include an abstract as many students confuse an abstract with an introduction.
You are an Industrial/Organizational psychologist hired by a large manufacturing company in the American Midwest. The CEO states that over the last three – five years employee morale has declined. Employee turnover has increased and productivity has steadily declined. Teams that were identified as high performing in the past now suffer from internal conflict and dysfunction. The company is fast-paced focusing on filling customers’ orders within a very quick turnaround time, and has increased its consumer base without hiring more employees. Relationships between supervisors and line staff are described as “strained.” The CEO charges you with making an organizational assessment to determine the problems that result in low employee morale and productivity, and high turnover, asking for initial recommendations to improve employees’ performance.
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Content Requirements:
Based on your learning from Modules 1-4, how will you assess the company’s dynamics and identify existing and potential issues?
Describe your process and the rationale for it. Be sure to focus your comments on mental, emotional, and behavioral health. Further describe how the issues you might find affect employees’ behavior and performance, and
Propose recommendations that the company might take to remediate the issues.
Be sure to take a positive health psychology approach to your assessment and recommendations using terminology learned over the last several weeks.

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