Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems
Assignment questions
Case Study: “CASE: Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems”
Read the case: “CASE: Decoding the DNA: Toyota Production Systems” and answer the following questions:
- Using the information provided in the case and your knowledge, prepare a short description of Toyota successful approach of operations management (Underline the features and/or the characteristics that made the Toyota operations a successful system).
- The Toyota Production System is a paradox. On the one hand, every activity, connection, and production flow in a Toyota factory is rigidly scripted. Yet at the same time, Toyota’s operations are enormously flexible and responsive to customer demand. How can that be?
- Explain the reasons behind the failure of other organizations to follow and to implement Toyota successful approach of operations management.
- Describe and scrutinize “the performance learning model” developed by Toyota.
Case link: