Simple Regression Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis (Case Study Questions)
- What is this case about?
- Why does the CEO want to increase store-level employee retention?
- What is the goal of the analysis done by Sarah Jenkins?
Now, use the data “Store24(A)_student.xlsl” to perform regression analysis.
How to run regression in excel (Links to an external site.) – Duration: 4:49
Simple regression:
Run the simple regression with “Profit” as a dependent variable and “MTenure” as an independent variable.
- Is manager tenure significant driver of store profit? How do you know it? How can you interpret the result of the regression?
Run the simple regression with “Profit as a dependent variable and “CTenure” as an independent variable.
- Is crew tenure significant drivers of store profit? How do you know it? How can you interpret the result of the regression?
Multiple regression:
Run the multiple regression with “Profit” as a dependent variable and the following independent variables: MTenure & CTenure.
- Are both tenures significant drivers of profit? How do you know it? How can you interpret the result of the regression?
Now, run the multiple regression with “Profit” as a dependent variable and the following independent variables: MTenure, CTenure, Pop, Comp, Visibility, PedCount, Res, and Hours24.
- Are both tenures significant drivers of profit? How do you know it? How can you interpret the result of the regression?
- Is there any difference in 6 and 7? What causes this difference?