People, Management, and Organization (PMO) Individual Assignment (Case Study)

PMO Individual Assignment (Case Study)
Read the case study ‘Managing change at Cox’s Container Company’. The case or a link to
the case can be found on Blackboard and the full reference for this case study is:
Corbett, J. M. (1994) Critical cases in organisational behaviour (Palgrave/Macmillan), pp.
154-155 (Case 33).
Answer the following question:
Outline and analyse the problems confronting CCC in the short and long term and offer
recommendations for their resolution.
Further guidance:
Please note that you should draw upon material from any or all sections of the OB unit as
appropriate. This is a case that says a lot about organizational structures and cultures and
processes of managing change (as well as motivations and power) and which also invites
you to examine these issues in some depth (although choices about how much breadth and
depth to go into will inevitably have to be made due to the word limit).
For further detailed guidance, please make sure you read very carefully the attached A1 Case Study
Guidelines, which sets out at the end how the case study will be marked. Your answer should use the
case study format outlined in that guide and should be 2,000 words in length (+/- 10% and excluding