Cross-cultural Management
You will choose a topic of cross-cultural management for your assignment. You will conduct research (primary and secondary) on the topic and apply it to an organization in the Middle East. Use your sources from the annotated bibliography, plus any additional sources you feel are relevant.
- Research Question
Define a research question to be answered. We will review this in class and there is also a short worksheet to help you construct your question. This question will form the title of your Research Paper.
- Introduction
Guide your reader i.e. state what you are going to do (the purpose) and why this is important.
- Literature review
Provide a short review of what the secondary sources have told you about the topic. Include a definition and explain your understanding about a theory/ies that support the topic.
- Primary research
You will need to conduct primary research for your paper and this will generally take the form of an interview with an employee/manager in the organization you have chosen. The purpose of the interview is to find out more about how the topic you have chosen is enacted in practice, i.e. what happens at work with respect to your topic. When conducting your interview, have a few questions to ask and ensure they are open, to enable the manager to give you as much information as possible. We will discuss in class. In the report you will provide an overview of your interpretation of the primary source.
- Discussion
Discuss your findings from the research. What have you found out about your topic. Does it differ between what you read about / learned in the course and what your primary source said happened in practice Either way, please explain. What does that lead you to recommend?
- Conclusion
A short piece that shows what you have achieved in your research paper. This should include consideration of whether you have you answered your research paper question. No new information should be provided in this section.
- 7. References
A full list following APA format – at least four secondary sources (quality)
Other information
Word length max 750 – 1000 words (excluding references and tables/figs etc.). Cite sources – APA
See General Instructions for Written Assignments.
Rubrics for written and critical analysis can be referred to.
Appendices can be included, but only if they are referred to in the research paper.