Shopping local beer in California Rather then big names
Shopping local beer in California Rather then big names
MLA format with citations page
Not too many citations but at least 4 add personality. Talk about the benefits of shopping local
beer (farm to fork) and why it’s better then big names.
For this essay, determine a controversial issue that is connected to your course theme. A controversial issue is one that has two distinctly different viewpoints with reasonable people on both sides. Dig deep and consider what you or others may find to argue about that relates to your topic. You may even need to identify issues that you, yourself, would not normally consider. Our society loves to argue and can find something to disagree on with nearly everything! In your essay, you will discuss both sides of the controversial issue accurately and fairly, thereby providing your reader with thorough information. You will then take a position on one side and attempt to persuade your reader to agree with your viewpoint. At no point should you resort to insulting or belittling the other side – remember, it is the people on the other side of the debate that you ultimately need to persuade. For this essay you need to use at least four outside sources (at least one of which is about your opposing viewpoint).