Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Please read this comic created by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
Questions to be answered in your essay:
How does SNCC justify its opposition to the Vietnam War?
What arguments does the comic make to persuade the reader to oppose the war?
What does the comic ask the reader to do?
How does the comic position the war as a civil rights issue?
Please address the relationship between the text and the images in the comic by analyzing one
page of the comic.
How do the images enhance, reinforce, complement, and/or undermine what is written in the
What role do the images play?
Who do you think is the imagined reader or intended audience of this comic? Why?
How does the comic signal its intended audience?
This assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:
Does the assignment address all the questions posed?
Does the assignment demonstrate a close, careful, and thoughtful interpretation of the primary
Does the assignment demonstrate a strong familiarity with course topics and themes?
Are all the claims made in the assignment accurate?
Does the assignment make sense? Are the ideas within it communicated clearly?