Leadership and Followership Ethics. Ethics in Leadership

Leadership and Followership Ethics. Ethics in Leadership

Case Study in Ethics Instructions:
The Case Study in Ethics assignment is an examination of ethics. The paper is intended to be an examination of the ethical dimensions involved in, surrounding, causing, or resulting from the case. The purpose is to reveal what can be learned about ethics in leadership and organization from observing a real situation or dilemma. In addition to discussing the dilemma and related factors involved in the case, strive to integrate in your analysis elements the following studies considering areas such as:

• What ethical values, perspectives, or moral perspectives may be involved?
• What is the true ethical dilemma and why?
• What ethical or unethical behaviors and decision models appear in play?
• Were particular ethical practices helpful or harmful in the situation?
• Did power and influence manifestation effect the condition positively or negatively.
• Were there demonstrations or evidence of ethical, servant, or other particular leadership
theories? Were they helpful or harmful?
• Did conflicts or negotiation reveal anything about ethical culture or considerations?
• Were any followership challenges apparent?
• Were any ethical group danger signs apparent?
• Can anything be observed that reveals the ethical culture(s) involved?
that begins with one of the 35 Case Studies in Johnson OR an ethical case from the literature or
popular press (HBR, Forbes, etc.). If you choose to use an external case for your work, which you
are encouraged to do, please submit the article for approval along with a short paragraph (3-4
sentences) explaining why you would like to use the case.
The paper is intended to be an examination of the ethical dimensions involved in, surrounding,
causing, or resulting from the case. The purpose is to reveal what can be learned about ethics in
leadership and organization from observing a real situation or dilemma. In addition to discussing
the dilemma and related factors involved in the case, strive to integrate in your analysis elements
from our first weeks of BMAL 770 studies considering areas such as:

• What ethical values, perspectives, or moral perspectives may be involved?
• What is the true ethical dilemma and why?
• What ethical or unethical behaviors and decision models appear in play?
• Were particular ethical practices helpful or harmful in the situation?
• Did power and influence manifestation effect the condition positively or negatively.
• Were there demonstrations or evidence of ethical, servant, or other particular leadership
theories? Were they helpful or harmful?
• Did conflicts or negotiation reveal anything about ethical culture or considerations?
• Were any followership challenges apparent?
• Were any ethical group danger signs apparent?
• Can anything be observed that reveals the ethical culture(s) involved?
• What does scripture and/or worldviews have to say about the case?
That is by no means an exhaustive list but represents some perspectives to consider. You should
explore other ethical, reasoning, and worldview concepts that are relevant to the case.
Be sure to follow all APA standards including double-space, Times New Roman 12-point font only,
1-inch margins, no contractions or unnecessary (non-heading) bolding. Use proper APA headings
to improve readability as you see fit.
A total of 5 peer-reviewed sources are required. You must use this textbook as a reference:
Johnson, C. E. (2019). Organizational ethics: A practical approach (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Publications Inc.

Refer to Chapter 7 (Leadership and Followership Ethics) of (Johnson, 2019). The Case Study is
from Chapter 7 and it is attached. In addition, you may also refer to Chapters 1-6 for materials to
support the case study.