Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
There are a number of topics within climate change that you may choose as your focus of
research. For example, you may choose to focus on the relationship between (i) food production
and climate change; (ii) government policy and climate change; (iii) water shortage and climate
change; (iv) race and climate change; and so on.
The goal of this essay is to develop an insightful scholarly perspective by consulting published
research that names and attempts to solve a relevant ethical problem. Remember, an argument
does not replicate an existing perspective but attempts to invent a new idea that responds more
effectively to relevant ethical problems. Your “invention,” in this assignment, is naming,
describing, and evaluating competing cultural logics.
Using the resources collected in your annotated bibliography, your task in this assignment is to:
(1) Identify two competing cultural logics within the collected research;
(2) Determine the dominant trope that places each cultural logic in competition;
(3) Explain where the competing logics agree, using analysis to support your claims;,
(4) Explain where the competing logics disagree, using analysis to support your claims.
Once you have established these claims, you will:
(5) Evaluate which cultural logic is more persuasive, using analysis to support your claims.
Finally, you will:
(6) Recommend a course of action based on your evaluation.
Relevant Details
⇢ 1-2 page single spaced
⇢ 12pt. Roman Font
⇢ MLA Citation
⇢ Title
⇢ > 5 Sources
⇢ Analysis, Analysis, Analysis (to support your claims)