P&G Strategic Marketing Management

P&G Strategic Marketing Management

The directions are in the screenshot in the file list. for the complete details which you need to go over to understand the assignment. It also includes a structure for part 1 and part 2 see the screenshots please.

You have to:

i) critically evaluate the associated marketing strategy of the brand in relation to its business performance in the specified sector, and then

(ii) propose marketing objective(s) and recommendations of marketing strategy to the brand. I chose P&G  as the brand.

The Directions says “Your recommendations may concentrate on one or a combination of the marketing elements discussed in the module. But your decision of which element(s) to concentrate on should link with your evaluation and proposed marketing objective(s).” The Marketing elements in the module refer to:

Product Strategy

Price Strategy

Place Strategy and/or

Promotion Strategy

For any personal reflection or discussion you can use your own discretion, whatever you think fits best. 15 sources and maximum word count  to be 2500.

 Marking Guidelines are as follows

 Relevance to question

 Organisation, structure and presentation

 Depth of understanding

 Analysis and discussion

 Use of sources and referencing

 Overall conclusions