COVID-19 Infections Across Races
COVID-19 Infections Across Races
Instructions for the Phenomenon of Interest (POI) Topic Selection
First: Review the ‘Importance of the Phenomenon of Interest’ video
Next: Identify a POI that you can examine from a philosophical, theoretical and ethical
perspective, as this will be your topic the entire semester
Finally: Perform a basic literature search to determine if there is sufficient literature (topic is not
too narrow) and not too much literature (topic is too broad)
Your Phenomenon of Interest (POI) topic should be submitted to this Forum for faculty review
and approval.
A phenomenon of interest (POI) as related to NU 607 can be a topic that you have been
examining in other courses, or it can be a completely different topic. Regardless, you want to select a POI topic you are passionate or curious about, and one that relates specifically to your
area of specialty practice with sufficient current (5 years), peer-reviewed literature to explore.
Choose a topic for which you are passionate or curious,
Students may seek approval on the same topic used in another course, but it is not guaranteed
that approval in a prior course will assure approval in this course as the focus and requirements
are unique to 607.
Your Primary Instructor will be responsible for approving your POI topic selection in NU 607.
Please address the following items in this Discussion (10 points):
Propose a POI Topic ( 3 points)
Propose a Phenomenon of Interest (POI) topic, describe the setting (outpatient, acute, etc), and
population (adults, children, etc.), and briefly discuss its relevance to your advanced nursing
practice area of specialty (ANP, Executive Nurse Administrator, Nursing Informatics, etc).
Literature Search ( 6 points)
Construct a search strategy and perform a basic literature search, and briefly describe the
following key elements of your literature search:
The database(s) used to conduct the literature search.
Keywords or terms used in your literature search
Number of articles populated in your literature search
Appraisal of the availability of peer-reviewed literature published in the last five years
* A topic that is too broad may have more literature than you can review, and a topic that is too
narrow may not have sufficient literature to support your work.
Scholarship ( 1 point)
1. Scholarly writing style; first-person language is permitted in the discussion
2. Introduction and conclusion not required for this Discussion.
3. Organize work by headings.
4. Writing should be clear and concise.
5. Citations and references follow the APA 7th format.
6. Writing should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.
7. Follow all assignment instructions.
8. Demonstrate good overall writing skills