Principles of Quality Management
Compose an APA-style paper in response to the prompt below that addresses each of the questions. Collect and analyze data from reputable scholarly sources from the Internet to support your original ideas.
Locked Out of the Process
1. First, please familiarize yourself with the components of Strategic Management.
2. Review the following scenario: Alex Parker is the quality director at CompuTech, Inc. He is in a middle-management position. CompuTech’s senior executives have announced that they intend to hire a strategic planning consultant to develop a plan for the company. Planning will begin in about 2 months and will take place in the conference center of a local resort and will involve only executive-level managers and the consultant.
Parker has several ideas he would like to propose. In addition, he wants to ensure that quality is treated as a strategic issue during the planning process. Unfortunately, Parker and his fellow middle managers have not been invited to participate. They are locked out of the process. Unfortunately, Parker and his fellow middle managers have not been invited to participate. They are locked out of the process. Parker believes that the following should be maintained, as he understands that excluding these components/entities can dramatically affect the overall well-being of the organization and should be treated as a strategic issue during the planning process:
• Quality, inclusive of the individual worker, manager, and organization.
• Quality, inclusive of maintaining an ethical environment as it applies in a total quality environment.
• Quality, inclusive of trust, values, and integrity.
For this case, please discuss:
• Provide a synopsis of Strategic Management.
• What do you think of CompuTech’s approach to strategic planning?
o Would you change the process in any way?
o If so, outline how and what steps you would take to modify the process, present it, and implement the new process?
o Describe the strategic planning process including the SWOT analysis and how to develop the vision, mission, guiding principles, broad strategic objectives, and specific tactics (action plan).
• If the process remains as it is, how can Parker get his ideas included–please discuss in detail each of his components on quality?
• Prepare a SWOT analysis:
o Over including middle management.
o Over not including middle management.
• Discuss your projected outcomes for both scenarios-please include:
• Distinguish between partnering and strategic alliances and provide examples of innovative alliances/partnerships and describe the concepts of internal partnering, partnering with suppliers, partnering with customers, partnering with potential competitors.
Criteria: Compose an APA-style paper in response to the prompt below that addresses each of the questions.
Your paper will be a reflection on your selection and will consist of a well-written 1000 to 1250-word essay.
Collect and analyze data from the library and/or the Internet to support your original ideas. Use at least 3 different sources, not including your textbook that are current, i.e. within the last 5 years.