Green Marketing Activity FTC

Green Marketing Activity FTC

In this assignment, you will gain insight into how companies utilize green labeling to help consumers understand what the companies are doing to become better stewards of our environment. You will gain insight into how some companies practice “greenwashing” methods to deceive consumers with false claims of eliminating waste, saving energy, using environmentally friendly products, or using recycling products within their
goods. It is always up to the consumer to be diligent when buying products for themselves or their families.
Research three “green” labeling programs or products on the Internet.
Then, consult the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Environmental Claims: Summary of the Green Guides. Click here to access the PDF document for the quality of the labels you find.
You may find the Environmental Protection Agency’s Introduction to Ecolabels and Standards for Greener Products valuable information as well,
For additional help in locating green labels, see the TerraChoice 2010 report, pages 1-30:
Click here to access the assignment template, which is where you will compile the information about the three product labels, and then answer the questions below for each label.
What are the standards associated with the green label?
How does a product or company get the certification for the label?
Do you think that this label is legitimate? Why, or why not?
Does the label comply with the FTC’s Environmental Claims: Summary of the Green Guides? Point out specific points in your summary to which
the label does or does not comply.
Would the presence of this label influence your purchasing decision? Why, or why not?
Once you have answered the aforementioned questions regarding each of the three product labels, write a one-page summary about green labeling and greenwashing using the information you gathered from your three labels, and incorporate information from the Tsai and Dahl articles in the textbook. All sources used must be referenced using APA format. Submit the completed template to the instructor for grading.