Job Analysis Assignment

Job Analysis Assignment

Value: 5% of total grade
Due: By 12:00 Midnight, September 18, 2020 on culearn
Approx length: 2-3 pages (OR approx. 500 words)
When it comes to collecting information for a job analysis, many sources can serve as subject matter experts (SMEs), including job incumbents,
supervisors, and job analysts themselves. There are also many methods that can be used to collect job information (e.g, observation,
questionnaires/task inventories). Given what we know about the pros and cons of different SMEs and different job analysis methods, consider a
job that you, a friend, or a family member has had. In your responses you should:
Name the job, and include the one-line job description found in the O*Net database for that job.
Identify TWO potential SMEs for gathering job analysis information for this job. For each SME, describe at least one PRO and one CON that
should be considered in this case (consider the reliability, accuracy, and completeness of the information gathered).
Identify TWO potential methods for analyzing this job. For each method, describe at least one PRO and one CON that should be considered in
this case. (consider the reliability, accuracy, and completeness of the information gathered).
Be specific in describing the pros and cons with the particular job you have chosen. Use material from the course (text, lectures) to support your
Keep the formatting simple.
Your name and student number in top left corner
Page numbers in top right corner
Re-type Question 1. Your answer appears below. Repeat for Questions 2 and 3.
Single space Questions, Double space answers.
12-pt font.
NO reference list or citations necessary. You need only use the text, lectures, ONet and your personal experience to complete this assignment.
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