Agency and employment relationships

Agency and employment relationships

LS311-5: Examine agency and employment relationships.

GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.

PC 2.1: Achieve goals through planning and prioritization.


Cardigan History

The Cardigan family has made a name for themselves in the sweater industry whereby they have designed sweaters for a variety of uses and for a wide target audience ranging from toddlers to business professionals. Cassandra, whom everyone calls Cassie, is the CEO of CARDWARE Inc., Camoni is the spokesperson for the sweater line, and Candie models the lines in the professional sphere. They often use their mother, Camille, as a business consultant for input about various new ideas and marketing because she was the manager and agent of her son’s glove company. Cora and Caley, Camille’s two youngest daughters from her second failed marriage to Bo Jenkins, are co-office managers of their headquarters located in Silkadonia.

CARDWARE is growing by leaps and bounds. It has now opened 10 new stores nationwide under the name “The Sporty One.” It has been agreed by the Board of Directors at CARDWARE Inc. that each store shall have a general manager and assistant manager who both were to act as sales persons and one additional sales person. The slogan the store advertises its sports ware with is “You don’t have to be an athlete to look and feel like one.” The current sports ware that “The Sporty One” carries shows a clothing distribution of 60% for females and 40% of its line is for males. However, it would eventually like for it to be a 50/50 distribution. The Cardigans research has demonstrated that the trend has been more female than male shoppers. Further, following the marketing theory of many high end clothing stores, CARDWARE prefers slender, young employees to work for it, so that the clothing line can keep with the image of being sporty.

Petunia Rotunda, a middle aged, slightly plump woman saw an ad online for a salesperson for The Sporty One and applied for the position. The ad read as follows:

WANTED: Salesperson experienced in retail sales or marketing preferred, energetic, youthful, athletic, and able to “sport” the clothing lines of The Sporty One with style. The Sporty One is a division of CARDWARE Inc. and proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Petunia has had 5 years of retail experience working in a garden shop that did have some flannel shirts and aprons as well as gardening gloves for sale. Noah Dahl, a college graduate in marketing also saw the ad and applied for the salesperson position at The Sporty One. Noah, a slender racquetball player has not had any retail experience but has had customer service experience for an online gaming company.

After interviewing both applicants, CARDWARE’s General Manager, Chloe, one of the cousins of the Cardigan clan has decided to hire Noah. Petunia was outraged claiming that she should have been hired and that she has been discriminated against based on her age. CARDWARE contends that Noah was more qualified as per the advertisement as well as company image and future plans for the company; age had nothing to do with it.

Noah began work the following week. Still angry, Petunia visited The Sporty One. She began to harass Noah to the point where other customers started to leave the store. Having had enough insults, Noah grabbed Petunia by the arm and shoved her towards the door. She stumbled and ran into one of the clothing racks and thereafter knocked over 92-year-old Hetty Whitestone who was passing by the mall store. Hetty suffered a concussion and died.

Using the above facts given, please label with headings and discuss the following in this order:


  • Did CARDWARE have genuine BFOQs (Bona Fide Occupational Job Qualifications) in its ad?
  • Do not forget to review the company’s slogan as given in the above facts.
  • Be sure to discuss Petunia’s point of view as well as CARDWARE’s position and defenses.
  • Use legal authority to support your position as well.


  • If Petunia brings a lawsuit based on negligence against CARDWARE and The Sporty One, will CARDWARE be responsible for Noah’s behavior? If so, under what theory?
  • What defenses might CARDWARE assert?
  • If Hetty Whitestone’s estate claims that CARDWARE should be responsible for Hetty’s death, will it?
  • What defenses might CARDWARE utilize?


Paper Submissions:

APA manuscript style dictates how your paper should appear on the page. For more information on APA style, visit the following website:

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Frequently Asked Questions About APA Style®. Retrieved June 10, 2016, from

There are two types of APA manuscripts: Copy manuscripts (those submitted for publication) and final manuscripts (those not submitted for publication). Copy manuscripts are much more formal and may contain multiple sections. Specifically, they will have an abstract (a 1-paragraph summary of the paper). The papers you produce for most classes will be final manuscripts. Unlike copy manuscripts, final manuscripts do not, unless specifically required by an instructor, require an abstract.

They do include:

  • A title page
  • The paper itself (the discussion)
  • A references page

A title page contains three items: A running head (a short version of the title), the paper’s title, and the author’s name. Traditionally, the author’s affiliation (the university he or she attends or works for) appears below the author’s name; however, many college instructors prefer students to put the course and section number in this place (because we all know which institution we are attending). The running title appears in the top right corner of every page, including the title page, right before the page number. The title, the author’s name, and the author’s affiliation (or course and section number) appear in the center of the title page.

Additional Helpful Assignment Reminders:

Be sure to avoid the use of first person. Instead convey your research utilizing third person.

  • Keep all font color consistent throughout. If you copy and paste a link and it is in blue, hover your mouse over the link, right click, and select “REMOVE HYPERLINK” to keep the font color black like the rest of your submission.
  • Use size 12 Times New Roman font.
  • Utilize in-text citations. If a reference is listed in your reference page, it must be included within the body of your submission as well.
  • Prepare an APA formatted reference page.




All competency criteria must be met to earn a B grade and pass this Course Outcome.


A predefined number of mastery criteria must be met to earn an A grade, indicating mastery of the Course Outcome. See the CLA and Grade Criteria Chart below.


*If work submitted for this Competency Assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.


Agency and employment relationships    
Student identifies if CARDWARE has a genuine BFOQ’s (Bonafide Occupational Job Qualifications) in its ad.    
Student reviewed the company’s slogan.    
Student discusses both Petunia’s point of view as well as CARDWARE’s position and defence.    
Student identifies if CARDWARE would be responsible for Noah’s behavior if Petunia bring a law suit based on negligence.    
Student explains if Hetty Black’s estate claims that CARDWARE should be responsible for Hetty’s death.    
Student incorporates the company’s slogan based on the facts provided.    
Student identifies the appropriate theory.    
Student describes the defenses CARDWARE might assert.