Affordable Care Act Presentation Assignment
Affordable Care Act Presentation Assignment
For this assignment, you will choose one provision of the Affordable Care Act and create a presentation, such as PowerPoint (10 minutes in length) detailing your selected provision. You will discuss the background and historical context that led to the creation of the provision and consider the implementation of the provision since it has gone into effect. You will detail any challenges to the provision, including challenges from the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of government. Each student will present a different provision. Students will sign up for their selected provision in a manner determined by the section instructor. If the provision has already been selected by another student, you will need to choose another provision. Part of your presentation will include discussion questions that you will pose to the class during your live session presentation.
Please see attached documents. This will be a powerpoint presentation that follows that rubric guidelines, the presentation notes will be placed in the speakers notes section of the powerpoint. Please focus on Title II of the ACA SEC. 2952. SUPPORT, EDUCATION, AND RESEARCH FOR POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION and follow the rubric. The powerpoint must also include a references page on the last slide which is not noted on the rubric