Preparing Nursing Clinical Report
Preparing Nursing Clinical Report
There will be two ISBAR scenarios provided, with patient information and images. Please choose only one of these scenarios to focus on for your written report.
There are two main focus areas for the written report:
1) Describe in detail the assessment (‘airway and breathing’ or ‘circulation’) of an acutely unwell child. You must describe the assessment as indicated on the scenario;
2) Outline the likely findings from that assessment based on the information and images provided in the clinical scenario; and
3) Describe in detail the underlying pathophysiology related to the assessment findings. The assessment of the unwell child should cover the type of assessments you would undertake, what you are likely to find based on the information provided in the clinical scenario, and how these findings differ from the normal findings for that child if they were not unwell.
The assessment should be relevant and specific to the child’s condition and developmental stage.
The description of the underlying pathophysiology should directly relate to the assessment findings. For example, what is the underlying pathophysiology that is causing the breath sounds heard when auscultating the child or infant’s chest? The description of the pathophysiology should be relevant and specific to the child’s condition and developmental stage.