Healthcare Finance and Economics

Healthcare Finance and Economics

Case Studies Guidelines
All case study assignments must use the following guidelines:
1. 2-4 pages (excludes title page and reference pages)
2. Number your answers (do not need to include question)
3. Have a cover page with the individual’s name, title of assignment, and due date of assignment
4. Typed, using 12 point font, Times New Roman
5. Double spaced with 1” margins all around
6. Page numbers in the top right corner of all pages except cover page.
7. Use an APA format for citations and references. Make sure you give proper credit to the sources you are using. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
8. Have a list of references in correct format at the end of the paper
9. Be error free – make sure you do a spell-check/grammar-check before submitting!
Make sure you are completing your written assignments in your own words. You can utilize outside resources to support your thoughts and opinions, however, make sure you are not utilizing in text citations/references for your entire written assignments. When you answer a question do not just write down ideas/things from your head – try and cite the book, notes, an article you might have read, another textbook etc. to back up your point and give your answer credibility. Most importantly, do not copy word for word from the book or notes as this can be considered plagiarism. If you want to use a direct quote from the book that is fine, but you must cite it properly with quotes around it and the source. Quotes longer than two sentences should be cited as a block quote (indented, single space). Again, do not just use info from your head- take a position on the subject and back it up with cited facts.

Case Study #1

Case Study #1 will require you to refer to the New Day Health and Associates case study found in your textbook on page 111. Read the case thoroughly and you will need to perform OUTSIDE research and reading to adequately answer the questions below. Number your questions.
Please answer the following questions pose below. DO NOT refer to the questions in the textbook.
1. How will you determine the market area that you are going to serve? List at least three strategic considerations in picking a location.
2. Describe at least two major payers in your market. They can be public or private payers.
• Then provide a reimbursement analysis on the two payers in a table format and include the following sections:
o Beneficiary base (the types of beneficiaries the contract with your payer type would bring to your practice)
o Reimbursable services under the payer contract (you would want to enter a contract with a payer that would cover the services you will be offering at your practice (i.e. this practice is interested in health promotion and counseling, you should present payer research on the reimbursement policies for these services)
o How will care be reimbursed? (i.e. fee-for-service, capitation, discounted fee-for-service, value-based models, etc.)
*****Refer to page 64 for more information on conducting a reimbursement analysis on the 2 payers types.
3. Discuss the linkage between strategic planning and budgeting for your first year of practice. How will you link your budget to your care-delivery strategy?
4. Discuss your service or product offering (at least 2) for the practice to promote health as indicated in the case study. Then, provide a sample revenue budget for your product offerings and base it on the payer mix as well. Remember to include the revenue budget period and use the following table for the revenue budget:
** Remember the revenue generated needs to coincide with what was indicated in Question #2.

Sample Revenue Budget
Payer Service/product offering Projected Volume Revenue/Unit (I.e. cost per unit) Total Revenue

5. Present an expense budget for the service or product offering you indicated in question #4. Remember to include expenses consistent with your strategic plan for patient care. Refer to chapter 6 (table 6.1 on page 70) about costs in managing a healthcare practice. You can make-up the numbers. But it does need to be realistic. For example, a monthly lease for the practice should be around $4,000- $8,000 depending on your location and not like $500/month). This should also be in table format, with an explanation of tying the revenue and expense budget together. Will you make a profit or will there be a deficit?

Case Study – Rubric (see next pages)
Case Study – Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion #1 8 pts
Student list at least three strategic considerations in picking a location. Provided a detailed and thorough answer. 5.34 pts
Student provided only 2 strategic considerations in picking location. But did a good job with the ones they did provide. 5.34 pts
Student provided 3 strategic considerations, but explanation was not very clear and/or was difficult to understand. Need more clarity or explanation. 2.66 pts
Student provided only 1 strategic considerations in picking location. But did a good job with the one they did provide. 0 pts
No Marks
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion #2 8 pts
Student described 2 payer types and provided reimbursement analysis on the two payers selected. Included beneficiary base, reimbursement type and descriptions. 5.2 pts
Student described 2 payer types and provided reimbursement analysis on the two payers selected. Included beneficiary base, reimbursement type and descriptions. However, description was not clear and/or needed more detail in reimbursement analysis. 4 pts
Did not answer all of the questions (i.e. provide 2 payer types and/or reimbursement analysis) 0 pts
No Marks
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion #3 8 pts
Student presented linkage between strategic planning and their budgeting. Answer was clear and thoroughly justified with support provided. 5.34 pts
Student described the linkage between strategic planning and budgeting, but more explanation is needed. 3.74 pts
Fair 0 pts
No Marks
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion #4 8 pts
Student provided in table format a sample revenue budget for their service offerings. 5.34 pts
Student provided in table format a sample revenue budget for their service offerings, but is missing information. 3.74 pts
Fair 0 pts
No Marks
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestion #5 8 pts
Student provided expense budget that reflects realistic numbers in table format and provided explanation of tying the revenue and expense budget together. 5.34 pts
Student provided expense budget that reflects realistic numbers in table format and provided explanation of tying the revenue and expense budget together, but explanation is not clear and/or missing information in table. 3.74 pts
Fair 0 pts
No Marks
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Guidelines
2-4 pages (excludes title page and reference pages)
Number your answers (do not need to include question)
Have a cover page with the individual’s name, title of assignment, and due date of assignment
Typed, using 12 point font, Times New Roman
Double spaced with 1” margins all around
Page numbers in the top right corner of all pages except cover page. 2 pts
Met all paper guidelines
Met all paper guidelines 0 pts
No Marks
Did not follow 1 or more assignment guidelines and/or 3 or more grammatical errors
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Citations
Use an APA format for citations and references. Make sure you give proper credit to the sources you are using.
Have in-text citations
Have a list of references in correct format at the end of the paper 3 pts
Full Marks
Included in-text citation and reference list and in APA format 0 pts
No Marks
Did not include reference list and/or missing in-text citations
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting/Grammar 5 pts
Proper organization, professional writing, and logical flow of analysis. • Logically organized, key points, key arguments, and important criteria for evaluating the business logic easily identified. • Key points were supported with a well thought out rationale based on applying specific concepts or analytical frameworks to the data provided in the case. • Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, 3rd person objective view, professional writing, and syntax. 2.5 pts
Paper has a few (3+) grammatical errors throughout. Needs to be better organized. Needs better flow. 0 pts
No Marks
Paper lacks organization and/or contain significant writing and/or spelling errors, and/or does not provide any citations.
5 pts