Business opportunities for developing applications for mobile devices

Business opportunities for developing applications for mobile devices

The first step in the project is to select a small business management issue you would like to research. Be sure
you focus and limit your topic as much as you can. I would much rather have you write an in-depth paper on a
narrow topic than a broad-brush paper on a general topic.
Please address the following topics in your paper: Introduction, Small Business Management Issue, Sigificant
interest in studying this issue, Purpose of the Study, Research Method
Be specific, not broad, in introducing descriptors of issue to research
Why this issue is worth studying and why it is worth the reader’s time.
Purpose of the study. This will be the most difficult part of the project. If you start with a tight, well-worded
purpose, everything will fall in place. If you start with a vague or general purpose, you will pay for it down the
road. The purpose should be stated in one sentence such as; the purpose of this paper is to…”. This is a
research paper; so don’t state a conclusion in your purpose statement. For example, “The purpose of this
paper is to explain how total quality management can help managers” assumes that TQM will help all
managers. A better title would be “The purpose of this paper is to investigate TQM as it relates to management
and to provide managers with resources to decide whether TQM is appropriate for their business.
Research methods. What will you do to achieve the purpose of your research? Methods you will use to
research your topic. While most will use online and Web resources, you might have other sources such as
proprietary sources, interviews, blogs, observations, etc.
Paper must be a minimum of 2 to 3 pages and APA format.
****Title Page “Business opportunities for developing applications for mobile devices,” It should also state the
author, course and date.
****Table of Contents. The Table of Contents should have the following major headings with page numbers.
Introduction and purpose
Review of Literature
Findings and Analysis
Recommendations and Conclusions