HR CASE QUESTION Amanda Tremblay at Citrine Software Solutions

HR CASE QUESTION Amanda Tremblay at Citrine Software Solutions

Enclosed please find a case study, Amanda Tremblay at Citrine Software Solutions. Answer the following four
1. Was Amanda Tremblay the right choice as general manager of CSS’s Vietnam subsidiary?
2. As Mark Feinsted, how would you evaluate Tremblay’s performance to date?
3. Should Tremblay approve Duc’s contract proposal? How should she deal with the proposed data center
relocation issue?
4. What should she do about the performance problems with internal technical consultants?
Please save and attach your answer in a word document with this naming convention: First Initial. Last Name
(for example: M.Elliott). Kindly use font: Times New Roman, size: 12, spacing: Double spaced, margin: 1 inch.
Observe a page limit between 6-8 pages.