Health care policy and social justice
Health care policy and social justice
This paper reflects the culmination of the knowledge acquired in NURS 736.1002 about health care policy and social justice. With this paper, the student can demonstrate her or his knowledge about the role of the advanced practice nurse (APN) on the development of the health care policies and the APN’s awareness and use of social justice to influence the execution of the policies. The paper affords the student the opportunity to explore who is influencing what or what is influencing whom. Is the APN influencing the health care policies and social justices? Are the health care policies and social justices impacting the role of the APN? Or, is there a “give-n-take” relationship between the role of the APN and the health care policy/social justice system? Each student should realize that this paper represents her or his voice, opinion, and understanding about health care policy and social justice in the desired world—nursing and patient care. Therefore, each student is encouraged to include passion in an objective and scholarly manner.
The 20-paged body of the paper consists of (1) a discussion about the impact of the APN on the conceptualization and the execution/implementation of at least one health policy in the public, (2) a critical and objective assessment and characterization of the APN’s understanding and use of social justice by overcoming at least 3 social/public constraints/barriers so that the APN can influence the administration of the health policy, and (3) the APN’s role, as regulated by both the health policy and the need for social justice in the delivery of health care for a targeted population at the local, state, national, and international environments.
This Paper is a scholarly one that complies with APA style 7th edition. There must be an introduction paragraph and a conclusion one. There should be at least 15 peer-reviewed, primary sourced references. Secondary sources are not appropriate references. They can be useful in identifying primary sources. The 20-page count does not include the title page, the 300-word abstract, references, any diagrams if used (i.e., tables, figures, or images), and any appendixes (if used).
Paper Logistics
Style = APA Style, 7th edition;
Format = 8.5-inch x 11-inch layout, 1-inch margins, pagination (give a page number), and running head;
Page count = 20 pages (counting only the text or body pages);
Paper elements required = Title page, Abstract page with a 300-word abstract, the text or body of the paper (20 pages), and references;
References = at least 15 peer-reviewed references from the Spring 2015 – Spring 2021); it is acceptable if there are references that are older than the indicated time range (just make sure the required 15 from Spring 2015 – Spring 2021 are included);