Work Related Learning
Work Related Learning
Work Related Learning
Step by Step Assessment Guide
The assessment Guide for Work Related Learning (WRL) has one (1) summative component:
Individual Report (weighted 100%)
Tasks to be completed (of not more than 2500 words)
• Collate an individual report which assesses the health and social care sector, taking into account the current situation of the CoVid19 pandemic.
• Explore how this has impacted the career prospects for health and social care.
• Evaluate an organisation as an exemplar to justify your stand, by applying the theories and models learned from this module.
Report Structure
The outline Of Your Report.
Title Section – This includes your name (Student name as the author and
• The date of report preparation.
Summary Section (50 Words)
• There needs to be a summary of the major points, conclusions, and recommendations.
• It needs to be short as it is a general overview of the report.
• Some people will read the summary and only skim the report, so make sure you include all the relevant information.
Introduction section (100 Words)
• The first page of the report needs to have an introduction.
• You will explain the problem and show the reader why the report is being made.
• You need to give a definition of terms if you did not include these in the title section, and
• Explain how the details of the report are arranged.
Main body section
LO1- Review the nature of the Health and Social Care sector or industry in its wider context and specific environment (600 Words)
Write an overview of literatures on the health and social care sector with discussions on the wider context of the CoVid19 pandemic
LO2-Demonstrate the prospects of entering into a chosen sector or industry as a career pathway (600 Words)
Taking into account the current situation of the CoVid19 pandemic,
Explore how this has impacted the career prospects for health and social care .
LO3- Examine the structure, culture and function of an organisation (600 Words)
Providing an example of chosen organisation (Using NHS ENGLAND, as your chosen organisation) examine the functions of NHS as an organisation in health and social care industry in the UK
Evaluate NHS as an organisation as an exemplar to justify your stand:
Apply the theories of organisational culture to NHS as an organisation in health and social care industry in the UK
Apply the models of organisational structure learned from this module to NHS as an organisation in health and social care industry in the UK
LO4-Examine the relationship between the organisation and its stakeholders (600 Words)
Using NHS England as an example of chosen organisation:
You will analyse the functions of NHS England in relations to the stakeholders in health and social care industry in the UK.
Conclusion –(100 Words)
This is where everything comes together.
Keep this section free of jargon as most people will read the Summary and Conclusion
Reference list.