Behavior Modification Treatment Phase Report Assignment

Behavior Modification Treatment Phase Report Assignment

Treat your target behavior, using the treatment method(s) that you have researched in this course.
Use the time available to you to treat it, whether it is one week or two. Then prepare and submit
your Behavioral Modification Project: Treatment Phase Report Assignment, which will
consist of the following 6 parts. Use Level One headings to differentiate the parts.
1. Target Behavior: The target behavioral definition is clear and measurable. Examples are
cited if clarification is needed. [Descriiption]
2. Treatment Method: The treatment method is described clearly and concisely.
3. Treatment Period: Dates and/or time stated in the description and labeled on the x-axis
of the graph. For the treatment graph, both the baseline and the treatment phases should
be shown with phase lines between the two. [Descriiption and Graph]
4. Experiment Narrative: Describe the logistics and process of the experimental
treatment phase (the research design – AB or ABAB, schedules of treatment, confounding
variables that may have impacted the experiment). [Descriiption and Graph]
5. Dimension(s): The logical dimension(s) (Frequency – Intensity – Duration – Latency) that
were observed and recorded during the treatment phase are clearly and consistently stated
and shown, labeled on the y axis of the graph. [Descriiption and graph]
6. Summary of Treatment: Clearly and completely, but concisely, verbally summarize the
treatment of the target behavior and show the results of the experiment. [Descriiption and