skin ageing

The assignment consist of two parts 

  1. First is dissertation, 2nd part is 10 mins presentation slides (information mostly from the dissertation notes)

Starting with the dissertation

I have completed the introduction, could you please improve the writing on this section if necessary? 


Could you also please write the methodology and another section (maybe critical review?) The table of content should not be altered much

I have some information already 

please there should be more interpretations rather than what the article says

Total word count of 2000 words for the dissertation 

Reference should be vancouver





Could you please prepare a 10 mins Presentation slides after working on my dissertation (should not be long) 100 words should be reasonable for this


This year it will run as a hybrid event (you can choose on campus or virtual)

The aim is for you to present your dissertation progress so far, to highlight the challenges (and successes) you have encountered, to meet with supervisors and peers to receive constructive feedback, and to share useful strategies to help you to succeed in your dissertation writing.

Presentations should be 10 minutes in length with 10 minutes for questions.

What to include in your PowerPoint presentation:

• Title of project

Dissertation Title: Aging in Skin of colour; efficacy and safety of aesthetic treatments?

• Rationale and background to project

As per dissertation notes

• Your skeleton outline (or table of contents) 

I guess is table of contents 

• Summarise the key areas that you have completed to date

As per dissertation notes

• Identify the areas that you have yet to cover and present a timeline for completion 

As per dissertation

• Highlight challenges you have faced (and areas that you would seek advice) 

In terms of the challenges you could mention things like not enough time due to combining full time work and masters. 

Organisation however 


Please also note:

Use bullet points to summarise and diagrams where possible. 

Please use diagrams

include sufficient information so that we can provide useful feedback.

We do not expect your dissertation to be in its final draft.

Once again this is a reminder that the session is for you to gain feedback, help and support from tutors and peers on your progress so far.