Woodrow Wilson’s Domestic Policies

Woodrow Wilson’s Domestic Policies

Your term paper is to be a carefully prepared research paper 15- 20 pages long, including double-spaced text, notes, illustrations, etc. You need to use a combination of AT LEAST five sources, and, ideally, AT LEAST one should be a primary source. Remember that these are MINIMUMS and you will probably want to use more both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are those written at the time of or shortly after a particular event. These sources include newspaper and magazine articles, memoirs, diaries and letters. Secondary sources are those written after the event, using the primary sources. These come from books and articles most often written by professional or amateur historians examining a particular event.

You will be required to note all material which is derived from your sources that is not common knowledge.  Basic information, dates, places, events, etc. do not need to be footnoted, but controversial statements, statistics, quotes and all ideas that are not your own must be footnoted. Your notes must be correctly prepared and be complete.  Check with the Turabian Guide or the Chicago Manual of Style — there is a free online guide. Points will be deducted for missing or improperly prepared notes. You MAY NOT use notes in parentheses, so please avoid this form as it is not acceptable for history papers, articles, or books. Notes should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper.  DO NOT begin with new number for each separate page. Also, DO NOT repeat note numbers. Each citation gets a new number. The format should be as follows: author’s name (first name first), title, (place of publication, publisher, and date) and the page number. A general rule is that you should have about 2-3 citations per page of text. So, a paper with about 15 pages of text will have about 35 to 40 footnotes. MS Word will automatically put the note number in the text as well as at the bottom of the page. The first time that you cite a source you provide the full citation as mentioned above. After that, you should just use the author’s last name and the page number.

Plagiarism is the use of other people’s words or ideas without proper attribution.  This means that you MUST provide proper documentation for your paper. If in doubt, provide a footnote. Penalties for plagiarism vary with the severity of the offense. Minor problems will receive a 10-point deduction in the final grade for the paper. More serious penalties will result in a failing grade on the paper and potentially for the class. Very serious cases will be referred to the Administration.

General reference works, i.e. encyclopedias (including Wikipedia), fact books, etc., may not be counted as sources for this paper. Points will be deducted if you use these sources. In addition, you may use ONE web-based source in your paper. You need permission if you wish to use more than one.

Papers are due on the due date, April 20, 2022.  Late papers, which have not received extensions, will be charged 5 points per weekday that they are late.