Teaching Plan for Healthy People 2020

Teaching Plan for Healthy People 2020

• You will be creating a Teaching Plan in Module 7.
• Select a topic from Healthy People 2020 (Links to an external site.) and submit it this week. (The instructor may ask you to select a different topic if another
student picks the same topic)
• The topic must be focused on health promotion, or prevention, not disease or illness.
• Look ahead to Module 7 and review the assignment details.
• You can review the rubric for this project and begin work at any time.
• Ask your instructor if you have questions about selecting a topic.
When you are choosing a topic for your Teaching Plan, please choose from the 26 leading health indicators which are bulleted under the 12 topics listed for
Healthy People 2020.
For example, one of the topics listed is: Access to Health Services- would submit either one of the 2 indicators listed under that topic which would be either:
• Persons with medical insurance
• Persons with a usual primary care provider
Then from there, pick an age group, population, or ethnic group, if one is not provided. So for the above topic/indicator would submit (as an example): Native Americans with medical insurance.
REMEMBER: need to focus on health promotion, or prevention, not disease or illness!