Digital Innovation Proposal for Corporate Sustainability

Digital Innovation Proposal for Corporate Sustainability

“Proposal for a new digital innovation which promotes corporate sustainability”

You will develop a new digital innovation proposal for a product or service for an ASX200 organisation (listed below). The proposed innovation should be grounded in an appropriate business model; make innovative use of consumer, product, supply-chain or company data in the product design; and must articulate a well-considered management plan for the development, deployment and delivery of the product. Technology management issues such as data privacy and security; workforce management; outsourcing; innovation and product lifecycles must be considered in your proposal. The focus of the assignment is to make a compelling case for your digital innovation, including a strong business case, and development plan.

In addition, the innovation you select must promote and contribute to the company’s stated goals of achieving ethical, social, environmental, cultural, or economic sustainability. So for example the Costa Group (ASX200) promotes sustainable commercial farming, including climate change initiatives, reduced water inputs, renewable energy sources, and the health and wellbeing of customers. Please ensure your technological innovation promotes one of the company’s stated sustainability goals.

Make sure you have access to details about the organisation’s current strategy, tech systems and market position to identify an appropriate innovation. It is expected the proposal will draw significantly from the curriculum of the unit, involving the full lifecycle of technological innovation.

Assignment deliverables

The assignment will be 3,000 words, and must include the following components:

* Overview
* Business case
* Product design
* Development and implementation plan

Please choose one of the following firms for the assignment:

A2M The a2 Milk Company
ALL Aristocrat Leisure
ANN Ansell Ltd
BKL Blackmores Ltd
SEK Seek Ltd
SVW Seven Group Holdings
NUF Nufarm
NSR National Storage Financials
NEA Nearmap Ltd
NAN Nanosonics Ltd
JIN Jumbo Interactive
CWY Cleanaway Waste Ltd
BRG Breville Group Ltd
AZJ Aurizon Holdings Ltd

Descriptive vs analytical writing

Demonstrate a deeper understanding with an analytical rather than descriptive style:

a) Justify modelling and design decisions, and

b) Explain why alternative options were excluded.