Nursing Quality Improvement Project

Nursing Quality Improvement Project

Quality Improvement process follows a specific process to plan, implement, and evaluate changes in healthcare. It begins with selecting a clinical activity for review. There are clinical practice guidelines and standards that reflect best practices.
I. This assignment will require that you choose ONE of the following:
1.Select a retrospective quality improvement project from the literature
2.Identify one issue or area that you observed during the nurse leader interview or
during the QI meeting requiring change for patient outcomes.
II. Using the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycle, Write a ten (10) page paper about the above
quality improvement project and its process by:
a) Identifying the need for change
b) Review the literature and evidence-based practices (EBP) to support change and select a solution for change.
c) Adapt the Change Theory as a framework to the QI project and explain how it can be used in the implementation.
d) Indicate the inter-professional team you would choose to review the area of change.
e) Select the tools/methods of data collection to measure current status of change and indicate how data is collected (weekly, monthly or quarterly). State
who would be collecting the data.
f) Discuss how data would be analyzed and create a chart such as flow chart, line graph, fishbone diagram, histogram or a pie chart to analyze data
g) Establish measurable quality outcomes by using a benchmark and nurse-sensitive indicators
h) Select and give a detailed account of how plan would be implemented to meet outcomes
i) Estimate what the projected data collection would be to evaluate the implementation, and note if achievement outcomes were met (Search the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) and compare your retrospective or projected data
j) Summarize the impact the change will have on nursing and patient outcomes.
III. Create a Power Point Presentation of 7-12 slides (not including cover slide and slide for reference). Power point should be informative and professional.
The student is encouraged to include hyperlinks, audio or visual aides to help the learner understand what is being presented.
IV. Upload power point to discussion area on week 15 in Reflection discussion. Each student will use the discussion board as the presentation resource for the power point, student will follow the discussion board requirements to review and response to classmates’ power point presentations.
APA format is required. Abstract is required. Font Times Roman 12 .Title and references pages NOT included in 10 pages.