Political Efficacy Essay Help

Political Efficacy Essay Help

Answer the following questions:

How would you rate the level of your political efficacy on a high medium low scale?
What factors do you think influence your political efficacy?
Describe your political attitude.
Define your interests based on your personal beliefs, your role in society or your identity.
Choose and describe two specific government public policies, one that you support and one that you oppose.
(You may choose policies listed in Chapter 14 although you are free to choose any government public policy. However, make sure to choose the policy under jurisdiction of the federal government).
While your answers need to reflect the knowledge from assigned textbook Chapters reading 1 and 14, please avoid quotations.

Grading criteria
All questions must be answered.
Do not copy questions. Number your answers.
Use complete sentences and check grammar prior submission.
Used MLA citation (your textbook is sufficient resource)
Double space, MS Word, minimum 300 words
Submit prior the deadline!