Nursing Informatics in the Clinical Setting

Nursing Informatics in the Clinical Setting

Paper: Nursing Informatics in the Clinical Setting
After completing the lesson content from these first three weeks, we want you to write a paper reflecting upon how the science of informatics affects patient care, quality standards, and communication within healthcare. Include the following content areas:
Discuss the use of technology in providing evidence-based patient care that promotes quality improvement and safety (Ex. of healthcare technology: Clinical decison support system (CDSS) electronic health record (EHR), bar-code medication administration (BCMA), clinical databases, practice guidelines, vital signs and patient care monitors,etc.)
Discuss how changing trends in patient data (vital signs, lab values, cardiac rhythms, etc.) facilitate nurses to identify subtle changes in patient conditions
Discuss the need for data privacy and strategies (antivirus software, firewalls, password protection, etc) for maintaining it. Include how data is managed when it is exchanged using computer systems.
Discuss how healthcare technology impacts interprofessional collaboration
Provide examples from the literature and your own practice experience to support the content in your paper. Remember that all sources for support from the literature must be cited in the paper and placed in a reference list. Your paper will need to be between 4-7 pages (not including the title and reference page).
You will need to use APA formatting for a student paper per the 7th edition of the book or 7th edition online sourced from the OWL at Purdue. Provide a minimum of 3 scholarly references to support your information, one of which can be your textbook. Remember that sources should be from peer-reviewed and scholarly journal articles within the past 5 years retrieved from the UA library online. Library search terms might include healthcare technology and healthcare services, computer systems and collaboration in healthcare, data management, quality patient care, interprofessional collaboration. APA format includes the following:
Font type and size
Double spacing
Page numbering
Title page
Reference page
Margin formatting
Paragraph spacing
Correct use of headings
Remember, the title and reference pages are not included in the required page total. Review the rubric for grading criteria prior to beginning, during, and just
prior to submission of the paper for assistance in achieving optimal points for this assignment. For visual help in writing this paper, see an example of a 7th
edition APA formatted student paper from OWL at Purdue here: