External Influences on education

External Influences on education

Download the External Influences on Education Timeline Template and review your External
Influences on Education Timeline Grading Rubric. Open the template and review the
You will develop a timeline of the 3 greatest influences on education by identifying a political,
business, and advocacy event from each of the time periods below. You will research these
events and cite throughout this assignment. You must utilize the most current edition of APA.
You may not use direct quotes.
You will identify 5 events that have affected education. You must at least have one political, one
business, and one advocacy event and provide the following information for each event:
Year of the Event
You must include an event from each of the following ranges:
1. 1 event prior to 1980
2. 1 event within 1980-1999
3. 1 event within 2000-present
4. Your choice
5. Your choice
External Influence: Political, Business Group, or Advocacy Group
You must include at least 1 political influence, 1 business group influence, 1
advocacy group influence, and 1 additional influence of your choice.
Summary of the Event
You must include a 1 paragraph summary of the event. A paragraph is defined as at
least 5 complete sentences. Ensure you cite utilizing the most current APA edition
Impact on Education
You must include a 1 paragraph explanation of the impact this event had or has on
education. A paragraph is defined as at least 5 complete sentences. Ensure you cite
utilizing the most current APA edition guidelines.
Personal Thoughts on Influence
EDUC 673
You must include a 1 paragraph explanation of your thoughts on this influence on
education. A paragraph is defined as at least 5 complete sentences.