Certified Nurse Assistant Job Search

Certified Nurse Assistant Job Search

Please provide a description of the job that you would be able to obtain after completing the training. Please be as detailed as possible– including a description of the required tasks (work activities), required skills (including both “hard” and “soft” skills), and any other knowledge you will need. Also include information on wages and employment trends for this position. (You may use O*Net Online, the Labor Market Services tab on CalJOBS or the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.)

2. Based on what you described in Question 1, discuss your current transferable skills as well as your plans for preparing for this position in this industry.
3. Please explain your reasons for wanting this training in terms of your short-term and long-term employment goals.4. Please discuss how you will search for employment in this industry once you complete your training.
5. Based on what you described in Question 4, provide three current potential job leads for the position you would be able to apply to once you complete your training. Please include WHERE you got these job leads.

6. Why should the WorkSource Center provide you with training assistance over another customer?
hard” and “soft” skills), and any other knowledge you will need. Also include information on wages and employment trends for this position. (You may use O*Net Online, the Labor Market Services
Please provide a description of the job that you would be able to obtain after completing the training. Please be as detailed as possible– include a description of the required tasks (work activities), required skills (including both “hard” and “soft” skills), and any other knowledge you will need. Also include information on wages and employment trends for this position. (You may use O*Net Online, the Labor Market Services tab on CalJOBS or the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.)

2. Based on what you described in Question

1, discuss your current transferable skills as well as your plans for preparing for this position in this industry.

3. Please explain your reasons for wanting this training in terms of your short-term and long-term employment goals.

4. Please discuss how you will search for employment in this industry once you complete your training.

5. Based on what you described in Question 4, provide three current potential job leads for the position you would be able to apply to once you complete your training.

Please include where you got these job leads.

6. Why should the WorkSource Center provide you with training assistance over another customer?