Healthcare Financial Management Course Project – by top essay writing service you can trust

Healthcare Financial Management Course Project – by top essay writing service you can trust

The HA4200 Healthcare Financial Management course project is a course project that requires students
to integrate what they have learned in the course learning plans. The course project will begin in week 2
of the course and continue until week 11, culminating with an interview of a healthcare financial
manager. It is important for students to review the entire course project requirements and plan to
complete the key components required.
The HA4200 Course Project requirements are outlined below.
Part 1 Healthcare Financial Manager Search
Begin Week 2
Submit Week 5
Total Time: 6 hours
Points 20
Students will need to locate a healthcare professional who has managed a healthcare operating budget.
This can be in any type of healthcare facility or department in a healthcare facility. Some examples can
be a doctor’s office, group practice, medical clinic, hospital, long-term care facility or home healthcare
agency, etc..
The goal of the interview will be to meet in person or by phone with the healthcare professional in order
to conduct a 15-30 minute interview as it relates to their experience with managing a healthcare
financial budget. The requirements for receiving credit for locating the healthcare professional to
interview include:
1. Name and position title
2. Organization Name and type
3. Years of experience managing a healthcare budget
4. Training, credentials, education, or degree
Students will begin their search for a healthcare professional on Monday of week 2 and submit the
required information by Sunday of week 5 for approval.
Students may not move forward with the interview unless they have approval from the instructor for
the healthcare professional selected for an interview.
Part 2 Conduct Interview
Begin Week 6
Complete by Week 10
Total time 10 hours
Points 20
During weeks 6-10 students will complete their interview and begin drafting their final project paper. To
receive credit part 2 must be completed by week 10. The interview must include the following
1. Describe the revenue cycle in your organization. (Make sure to ask about key revenue cycle
elements covered in your textbook)
2. How does the organization receive most of its revenue?
3. Where does the organization or department experience its primary expenses?
4. How many FTE’s does the organization or department have?
5. What are the primary expenses associated with staffing? (recruiting, training, etc..)
6. Describe the capital equipment purchasing process that is used by the organization.
7. Describe the organizations budget planning process?
8. How does the organization or department forecast for future budget?
9. What are the most challenging aspects for managing a financial budget?
Submit rough draft of parts 1 and 2.
Part 3 Write the Course Project Comparison paper
Begin Monday of Week 11
Submit by the last day of class
Points 100
Once the healthcare professional interview has been completed students will write a paper that
compares the interview answers with learning material in the course. The final course project paper will
include the following sections and headings:
Title Page
Healthcare Professional Name
Organizational Name
Course and Assignment Name
Student Name
Section A: Organizational Background (minimum 1 page)
25 points
This section will include information that was gathered about the organization before ethe interview.
Students should research the organization before conducting the interview. This can be done using
information on the internet and during the interview is needed. Information that must be included in
this section includes:
1. Organization’s Name
2. How long they have been in business?
3. What are their primary services?
4. What population do they serve?
5. What geographical region do they operate?
6. Are they a part of a larger healthcare system?
Section B: Healthcare Financial Manager Interview (minimum 1 page)
40 points
This section should describe the healthcare financial managers background, how long they have been in
the field and how long they have been a financial manager. Students will list the interview questions and
each response from the healthcare professional. Students should conduct their interview using the
questions provided below.
Students can ask additional questions if they would like to do so.
1. Describe the revenue cycle in your organization. (Make sure to ask about key revenue cycle
elements covered in your textbook)
2. How does the organization receive most of its revenue?
3. Where does the organization or department experience its primary expenses?
4. How many FTE’s does the organization or department have?
5. What are the primary expenses associated with staffing? (recruiting, training, etc..)
6. Describe the capital equipment purchasing process that is used by the organization.
7. Describe your budget planning process?
8. How do you forecast for future budget?
9. What are the most challenging aspects of managing a financial budget?
Section C: Interview and Course Material Comparison (minimum 1 page)
25 points
Following the interview students will compare the responses from the interview to the course material.
This comparison exercise is designed to allow students to reflect on course material and compare the
practices of the financial manager to the information covered in this course
During your reflection and comparison address the following:
1. What information from the interview was like what you learned in the course material?
2. What information from the interview was different than what you learned in the course
3. What strategies did you learn from the interview that were not covered in the course at all you
feel would be helpful for to remember?
Section D: Reference List
10 points
The final project paper should have a reference list in APA format