Distinguishing features of the structure of micro-organisms pathogens
Distinguishing features of the structure of micro-organisms pathogens
Question 1 (1.1)
Describe the distinguishing features of the structure of the following micro-organisms (pathogens) (include an appropriate image in your answer):
· bacteria
· fungi
· virus
· protozoa
· worms
· arthropods
Question 2 (2.1)
Fig. 1 shows the sub-cellular structure of a typical bacterial cell. Explain the major functions of sub-cellular organelles of this cell.
Question 3 (2.2)
Using your knowledge and research complete the table below:
Gram +/-
Stain colour
What antibiotics would be used to treat this bacteria and what are their actions in slowing or preventing growth?
Citation (Name, Year) List fully in bibliography.
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Clostridium tetani
Clostridium botulinum
Clostridium difficile
Bacillus anthracis
Listeria monocytogenes
Escherichia coli
Vibrio cholerae
Helicobacter pylori
Question 4 (3.1)
The graph below shows that bacteria have an exponential rate of growth.
Interpret growth rates derived from practical work, investigating factors affecting microbial growth.
Bacteria are said to grow exponentially. Escherichia coli generate (double in number) every 17 minutes and Streptococcus aureus every 28 minutes.
Escherichia coli bacteria have been growing for 12 hours. If this growth started with a single Escherichia coli bacterium, how many bacteria would there be after 12 hours?
1,500,623,478 Streptococcus aureus were counted on a culture plate. Calculate approximately how long has elapsed since the first bacterium divided.
Use a table to show your answer
Question 5 (3.2)
Explain the COSHH regulations; include the importance of these regulations when dealing with microbes.
Question 6 (3.3)
Evaluate why hand hygiene is of the utmost importance for health professionals and service users.
Question 7 (4.1)
Evaluate the following sub-culturing techniques:
· Streak plate inoculation solid-to-solid
· Streak plate inoculation liquid-to-solid
· Spread plate solid-to-solid
· Pour plate liquid-to-solid
· Inoculating a solid culture -to-liquid
· Inoculating a liquid culture -to-liquid
Task 2 (5.1)
Word count guideline: 1000 words
Research any one of the following topics and write an evaluative essay on your research findings:
· The overuse of antibiotics
· Nosocomial infections
· Cross contamination of foodstuffs
Assessment Criteria
Distinguish between micro-organisms according to their structural features, to include bacteria, fungi, viruses and other groups as appropriate.
Explain the major functions of sub-cellular organelles of microbial groups.
Interpret Gram stain results for bacteria in terms of identification and response to antibiotics.
Interpret growth rates derived from practical work investigating factors affecting microbial growth.
Comply with safety procedures and explain reasons for these.
Evaluate the problems of cross contamination within the health professions.
Evaluate the role of the different methodologies in different situations.
Evaluate the results of learner’s research into one topic within a microbiology context.
Word Count 4000