Body Structure And Function Questions and Answers GCSE Biology

Body Structure And Function Questions and Answers GCSE Biology

Task 1 – Cells, DNA and Tissues

Word count guideline: 1100 words

Cells – There are many different cells found in the human body; they have many different shapes and many different functions.

Cells that naturally occur within the mammalian body are collectively called eukaryotic; cells that do not naturally occur in the mammalian body are collectively called prokaryotic.

Question 1 (1.1)

a)    Compare and contrast the structure of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell types.

b)    Explain how the following body cell types are adapted to perform their specific function:

·       Macrophage

·       Motor Neuron

·       Male Gamete

DNA – Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) has a structure called a twisted helix.

Question 2 (1.2)

a)    Draw, or label a downloaded diagram, of part of a strand of DNA that is dividing for replication.

b)    Fully explain the structure of DNA including details of the base pairings and structure on replication during mitosis.

Tissues – There are four main tissue types found in the human body.

Question 3 (1.3, 2.1)

a)    Name these four types of tissue.

b)    Summarise the distinctive features of each tissue type.  Include in your summary details of locations within the body where each tissue type might be found.

c)     Sometimes connective tissue has a liquid matrix and is therefore fluid in nature. Blood is an example of a fluid connective tissue.  Explain the components of blood, including the liquid matrix and the ‘embedded cells’. Include in your explanation how the structure of erythrocytes facilitates their vital role in transportation.

Task 2 – Fluid within the body

Word count guideline: 500 words

The human body is approximately 60% water.  Water is vital to the body as all the nutrients that the body needs to function effectively are transported around the body within a fluid environment.

Water is contained in ‘body fluid compartments’.  One of these compartments contains interstitial fluid, sometimes called tissue fluid.  It is vital that fluid is maintained at the correct level in the ‘body fluid compartments’.

Question 1 (6.1)

Explain how the formation and absorption of tissue fluid occurs, referring to the processes of hydrostatic and osmotic pressure in a capillary bed.

Sometimes, interstitial fluid builds up within the tissues. There are various reasons why this might happen.

Question 2 (6.2)

Both John and Javinda have gone to see their GP, both have pedal oedema.  Explain oedema and give reasons why John and Javinda might both have this condition.

Task 3 – Body Systems

Circulatory System and Heart

Word count guideline: 1000 words

Question 1 (3.1. 3.2)

Draw/create a flowchart diagram of the circulatory system to demonstrate dual circulation.  Explain the systemic and pulmonary circulatory systems identifying, by name, a minimum of 6 vessels that supply oxygenated blood and a minimum of 6 vessels that drain deoxygenated blood from various organs or areas of the body.

Question 2 (4.1)

Explain the differences in structure between arteries, veins and capillaries.

Question 3 (5.1, 5.2, 5.3)

a)    The heart is a distinctive organ of the body.  Explain the external structure of the heart in relation to tissue structure, location in situ, surrounding structures and blood supply.

b)    Explain the internal structure of the heart with reference to chambers and valves.

c)     Relating to the heart and blood flow, explain the process of a cardiac cycle. Your explanation should include a summary of how heart rate is modified according to the needs of the body.

Respiratory System and Gas Exchange

Word count guideline: 1000 words

Question 4 (7.1, 7.2, 7.3)

a)    Draw/create a flowchart diagram of the respiratory system that clearly identifies the movement of gases.

b)    Identify the major organs of the respiratory system and explain how the tissue structures are adapted to support the functions of these organs.

c)     Explain the mechanical process of breathing and the cellular process of gaseous exchange at alveolar level.

d)    Conditions that affect the lungs and compromise the uptake of oxygen are sometimes exacerbated by lifestyle choices. Evaluate this statement with regards to the conditions of asthma and emphysema and the lifestyle choice of the traditional smoking of tobacco.

The Excretory System

Word count guideline: 400 words

Question 5 (8.1) 

Explain the structure and function of the ‘excretory system’, including an analysis of the impact on homeostasis of the various processes and organs that are associated with the excretory process.

Word count guideline: 4000 words