States are invested with various police powers

States are invested with various police powers

Each question should be about two paragraphs. You can use outside sources to define and
explain your answers. As long as they are scholarly sources, you do not have to write this in the
paper form, just answer the questions.
Week 4: The states are invested with various police powers. However, the federal government
limits that police power. Do you think that the control of police power best lies in the federal or
state governments?
Week 5: Are Terry stops more in line with the crime control or due process model of criminal
Week 6: Police officers are permitted to approach citizens, ask questions, and even ask for
consent to search. These stops are allowed if a reasonable person would feel free to disregard the
officer and go about his or her business. At what point does a reasonable person feel that he or
she is being detained? When does a consensual stop turn into a seizure?
Week 7: The Supreme Court gives the police some leeway when assessing the legality of police
use of force when affecting an arrest. Why does the Court give the police this leeway? Why has
the Court not given a “bright line” rule to determine if the force use was excessive?
Week 8: Search warrants must identify the place to be searched and the items to be searched for.
Why is this necessary?