Interpersonal communication event ICEA analysis

Interpersonal communication event ICEA analysis

The Interpersonal communication event analysis (ICEA Analysis) should include the following:
1. A summary description of the event, i.e., what, when, how the event happened, who was involved, and other pertinent descriptive information (e.g., where it appeared or occurred).
Explain the communication activity. Clearly describe if this was a mediated event or if it was observed in real-life.

2. Explain and provide a description of an interpersonal theory, method, model, or concept from the weekly readings that will be used to analyze the communication event, as well as a rationale (explanation) for using the theory.
In this section explain the theory, concept, method, or model you will use in the analysis. Tell the reader everything they need to know about the concept, theory, method, or model. Be very descriptive.

3. Application of the theory to the event, in other words, analysis of the event using the theory or theories. A good theoretical analysis of a communication event should provide insights into that event that description alone cannot.
Clearly analyze what type of communication concepts were observed and which theory you found relevant. Explain the interpersonal situation using course concepts.

4. Evaluation of the theory’s or theories’ usefulness in understanding the communication event. Discuss the theory, concept, model or method and its usefulness in explaining what happened in the event. Provide your academic opinion of the effectiveness of the concept, method, model, or theory selected when considering the interpersonal communicative event observed for this exercise.

5. The discussion should introduce communication concepts from a theory appropriate for analyzing the event and then apply those concepts. For example, a communication incident might be meaningfully understood via small group theories and concepts (groupthink, coalitions), interpersonal theories and concepts (compliance-gaining, self-disclosure), organizational theories and concepts (culture, climate), and so on. This analysis should be specific (rather than generic), thus demonstrating your ability to interpret communication activity in terms of pertinent interpersonal communication theories and concepts