Architecture Climate Greenwashing of Building

Architecture Climate Greenwashing of Building

Assignment 3 comprise the research, preparation and writing of a 2000-2500
word essay. The essay topics are drawn from the weekly themes and ask you to analyse
a given building using texts drawn from the course reading list and your own research.
You can choose from the list of buildings and projects provided or select your own.
A research essay that develops an argument supported by the texts in your annotated
In this essay you will analyse a building from a particular point of view
developed through your research. You may provide a critique of the building, or you could
argue for its role as an exemplar.
The questions that you ask of the building could be “how is this building
representative of a particular social, environmental or urban condition?” or “how has
architecture responded to a particular social, environmental or urban challenge?”
You must provide a minimum of 4 references either drawn from Assignment 2 or
completely new but you may include more than 4.
From assessment 2- [ you need to provide 4 annotated citations:
Any 2 texts from the primary or secondary reading list (does not have to be from the
selected theme but must not come from the same book)
2 additional texts researched by you. They can be a book of academic quality (can
be a chapter from a book, can be an e-book) or a peer-reviewed journal article. They
cannot be internet or magazine article]
You are not required to resubmit your abstract or summaries
Citations should be in Chicago Style with footnotes.
Topic- Climate
Building – Stefano Boeri, Vertical Forest, Milan
Abstract and Bibliography – Attached separately
– Write Essay using third person, easy language not to complex.
– If using a ‘word’ within the research essay have a specific meaning that only is used
to explain certain things related to the topic, please provide a definition list with * in
– The question of the essay can be changed and altered but has to relate to Climate
and green washing.
– A different building can also be chosen, to relate better to the topic and question.
– Can use the text already selected or find and select new one from the list given.
– Other than the four texts (2 Primary or secondary and 2 individually selected) texts
can include newspaper articles, but mostly books and peer reviewed articles are