American Literature before 1865

American Literature before 1865

As we discussed in class, “typology” among the Puritans was a way of reading the signs of everyday life as indications of God’s grace and the state of the individual’s soul. Many Puritan texts read the “signs” of the world around them as a direct commentary on their faith. Select two or three of Anne Bradstreet’s poems and discuss them as examples of “typology.” [Note that the poems “Contemplations” (Norton pp. 220-227) and “Here Follows Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House” (pp. 236-237) might be especially helpful for this topic.] How does Bradstreet use images, metaphors and symbols in her poems to discuss both her secular world and her religious ideals? It might be helpful to include some material from Bradford or Winthrop as you develop your argument, but keep the focus on Anne Bradstreet. Be sure to point out specific words, lines or ideas from the poems as you make your argument.