Japanese History Essay
Japanese History Essay
For every module, you will write an analysis paper evaluating the reading materials, documents, and the film/s assigned for the previous and current week. You should not try to cover all the material; rather select one or two elements you find particularly interesting and analyze them.
Choosing a clear focus will help you write an effective response because you must do more than merely summarize.
Please make sure to look up secondary sources such as the films/documentaries, the bio and other works from the director, and any other information that will enhance your analysis.
This assignment is designed to help you evaluate and understand Japan through the analysis and evaluation of primary and secondary historic sources. Moreover, it will help prepare and decide which topics you want to select for your final projects.
You are writing your analysis papers to show your Professor and classmates your analysis skills by focusing on a specific Japanese history topic shaped by your understanding of class-related material. You must maintain an academic tone and your paper must be thoroughly and cohesively organized.
Reflection Papers should be singled spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point size font, 750-1000 words.
– Do not forget to cite your sources (minimum of 3), or you will get point deductions. You cannot list websites as sources. Remember: movies and videos are also sources. If the source comes from a website, you must cite them correctly.