Black employee ERG
Black employee ERG
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Please complete numbers 6-10
The links that my be needed:
Background. Approximately 90% of Fortune 500 companies have ERGs. However, as the demographics of workplaces change and employee interests evolve, there may be an opportunity for HR professionals to partner with employees and launch new ERGs (Employee Resource Groups). Therefore, this assignment aims to outline and explain the steps that should be followed to create a new ERG.
Organizations should consider forming ERGs when:
There is interest from employees to create one for a particular group, demographic, or community to support employees who belong to this group.
The organization is large and is looking for additional ways to support, grow, and engage employees.
There is a natural gathering of employees looking to do more within the DEI realm or support a specific type of individual, but they’re not sure of what next steps to take.
There is a need to support growing psychological safety in the workplace.
Resource #1 (Required) – For this midterm project, you are required to use our course textbook:
The Power of Employee Resource Groups: How People Create Authentic ChangeLinks to an external site.
Farzana Nayani
ISBN: 9781523001248
Resource #2 (Optional)
The following video, A Guide to ERGs (Employee Resource Groups) – Personal benefits of ERGs, may be helpful for this assignment, but you are not required to watch it. If you choose to watch the video, it is available at LinkedIn Learning. Refer to the Access Instructions to LinkedIn Learning.
Please access LinkedIn Learning FIRST- before watching the video!
Formatting Guidelines
A MS word template must be used for the assignment. Here’s an example of a template from MS Word. If you can’t access the template, reach out and I will send you a template.
The name of each partner should appear on the assignment.
You are required to design a cover page for your toolkit (notably, the cover page will not count towards the page limit). To add a cover page to a MS Word document – see the instructions here.
The responses must be numbered in sequential order. Also, the headers should appear:
#1 – Purpose of ETFs
#2 – Context
#3 – ERG’s Name & Company
#4 – ERG Objectives
#5 – Business Alignment
#6 – Marketing Techniques
#7 – Executive Sponsor
#8 – Preliminary Budget – First Event
#9 – 1st Year Metrics
#10 – Work Cited (This should be on a separate page).
The assignment should not exceed eight pages (which can be double-spaced or single-spaced). The cover page does count towards the 8-page limit. However, the works cited page does not count towards the 8-page limit.
Creativity. You must use creativity to design the ERG toolkit, which will be reflected in your grade. Therefore, I suggest using a MS Word template. You can select the MS Word template you want to use. Here’s an example of a template from MS Word. Also, incorporate labels, pictures, graphics, and bullet points within your ERG toolkit. etc
Assignment Questions
Purpose – ERGs. Briefly state the purpose of ERGs in organizations at the beginning of your toolkit. Specifically, briefly discuss how ERGs contribute to an inclusive workplace culture.
Context. Explain the group for whom you are creating the ERG. Share why you believe the group would benefit from having an ERG focused on their needs. You can create an ERG for the topic below:
Black employees
ERG’s Name & Company. State the name of the ERG you are creating (e.g., Disability at Microsoft, Military at Microsoft) and the company where the ERG would be created. (Ideally, the ERG will be created for a company where you/your partners are currently working. If you are not currently working – you can create an ERG at Rutgers University).
ERG – Objectives. Explain three goals the ERG will achieve. The goals should explain how the group’s activities are intended to support the ERG members.
Business Alignment. Explain at least one business objective to which the ERG will be aligned (e.g., recruitment, retention, leadership development). Provide an example to support your response.
Marketing Techniques. Explain three ways the ERG can be marketed/advertised internally. Ensure a detailed description of each marketing technique is provided, and use examples to support your response. The marketing techniques aim to build awareness about the ERG and recruit employees to participate.
Marketing Technique 1 –
Marketing Technique 2 –
Marketing Technique 3 –
7. Executive Sponsor. Explain which leader you would approach and ask to be an executive sponsor. Explain why that leader would be best suited to be the executive sponsor.
What’s the role of an Executive Sponsor? The executive sponsor is a member of the highest level of leaders or executives at the company. The sponsor amplifies the collective voice of their respective ERG and helps drive cultural change within the organization. The sponsor attends major events and encourages engagement and participation from all employees. They contribute to the overall strategic direction and success of an ERG. The sponsor may be part of the affinity group or an ally.
8. Preliminary Budget – In-person Event. Prepare a budget for the first event the ERG would host. The budget for your first event is up to $7500.00. As an aside – ERGs are generally underfunded. Research found that 1/3 of all companies have a total ERG budget within $1,500 to $10,000. Therefore, the budget for the first event is fairly generous.
Notably, the event must be held in person. However, you can set up a Zoom link for employees that feel more comfortable attending – virtually. Explain the event, and share any costs associated with hosting the first event. The most common expenses for in-person events include marketing and promotion, venue/space rental, food, beverages, decorations, keynote speaker’s fee, entertainment, and giveaways.
Reminder #1! Set aside 5% to 10% of the funding for unexpected expenses, emergencies, or budget overruns.
Reminder #2! Your budget must reflect the number of people that will attend the event.
Reminder #3! You are not required to include six expenses in your table. You can use as many or as few expenses as you’d like.
Reminder #4! You are required to report: (a) the number of people attending the event, (b) the budget for unexpected expenses, (c) the total budget, and (d) the average cost per attendee.
Estimated Number of People – Attending the Event ###Description – Expense One: [Enter Estimated Spend here ]$ Description – Expense Two: [Enter Estimated Spend here ]$ Description – Expense Three: [Enter Estimated Spend here ]$ Description – Expense Four: [Enter Estimated Spend here ]$ Description – Expense Five: [Enter Estimated Spend here ]$ Description – Expense Six: [Enter Estimated Spend here ]$ Budget for unexpected expenses, emergencies, or budget overruns. This should be 5% – 10% of the total budget.[Enter Estimated Spend here ]$ Total Budget $7,500.00 Average Cost / Attendee[Note: This will be total budget/number of attendees]
9. 1st-Year Metrics. Explain two metrics that should be used to measure the success of the ERG you’ve designed after the first year. Ensure a detailed description of each measure is provided, and use examples to support your response. You can select two metrics from the following list:
Event attendance tracking
Employee satisfaction survey (if this measure is selected – provide an example of the satisfaction survey questions)
Number of promotions of ERGs members (compared with overall organizational baseline rate)
Number of participants in programs (for example, the number of participants in the ERG’s mentoring program)
Employee retention of ERG members (e.g., this measure would determine if participation in the ERG is higher for people that participate in the ERG vs. those that do not participate in the ERG)
Dollars raised for community charitable giving
Number of attendees in the ERG’s sponsored training programs
Qualitative feedback from the participants that completed the ERG’s sponsored training programs
Other – you can use a metric that your organization currently uses to track the progress of ERGs
Press and publicity for ERG initiatives
Speaking engagements at industry conferences by ERG members
Awards won by ERG leaders or ERG members
Photos and highlights from events and activities throughout the year
Presence of CEO and other executives at ERG events
Quotes from executive sponsors and other senior leaders that express the impact of employee resource groups
10. Last step! Works Cited. You should include any references you used for the project on the works cited page. Your works cited page must include The Power of Employee Resource Groups: How People Create Authentic ChangeLinks to an external site.
By Farzana Nayani. Additionally, all other references used for this project must be listed in alphabetical order. The “works cited” section doesn’t count towards the assignment page maximum. Generally, I use the APA style for references. However, if you are more familiar with another methodology – it’s OK to use it (e.g., Turabian, MLA).