An ABC plant worker Al Smith was injured on the job recently on September

An ABC plant worker Al Smith was injured on the job recently on September

An ABC plant worker, Al Smith, was injured on the job recently on September 1, 2022 and will be on medical leave from work due to the injury.  Smith has consulted with Karver and Karver for information and advice about his case.  First, Smith wants to know how much he will be paid during the time he is off work.    Smith ‘s salary is $500.00 per week.

Karver wants you to respond by creating a report that she can submit to Smith.


Create a summary report for Smith that includes the following:

  1. The dollar amount Smith will receive per week while he is on medical leave from work;
  2. Show the calculations that determined the dollar amount Smith will receive per week while on leave;
  3. Cite to the Maryland Code sections contained in Title 9 of the Workers Compensation Act that are applicable to determining the amount Smith will receive while on leave.



To:  Antoinette Karver, Esq.

From:  (your name), Paralegal

Re:  Al Smith workers compensation






Maryland Workers Compensation Website

  • click General Information on top of screen:  click Employee Claim Form from drop down menu

Title 9, Labor and Employment, Annotated Code of Maryland, Subtitle 6


  • temporary total disability benefits: 9-618 – 9-622
  • average weekly wage: 9-602, 9-604
  • medical expenses: 9-660 – 9-664
  • vocational rehabilitation: 9-670 – 9-675
  • permanency partial disability:  9-625 – 9-632
  • permanent disability:  9-635 – 9-640