Technology in Healthcare

Technology in Healthcare

The project aim/problem to be discussed in this paper will be addressing: Improving Local Anesthesia Systemic Toxicity (LAST) Management through mobile gaming application (serious games)

The aim of this paper is to discuss how the implementation of a mobile gaming application (serious gaming) can help perioperative nurses in recognizing and addressing local anesthesia systemic toxicity its early stages.

Please use the headings Abstract, Introduction (Problem Statement), Synthesis of Evidence Based Research, Goal and Objectives, Market/Financial Analysis, Proposed Project Plan (inclusive of overall projected timeline and budget). Listed below are those specific headings in bold.

Abstract (Should be about a page and include subheadings for abstract- Introduction, Objectives, Method, Results, Discussion)

1. *Problem Statement: There is a knowledge gap in perioperative nurses about Local Anesthesia Systemic Toxicity (LAST) signs/symptoms and management. LAST can be fatal if there is a delay in care. Please discuss this further in the paper.

Synthesis of Evidence Based Research
2. A synthesized literature review.
*Please be sure to incorporate how a mobile gaming application, specifically serious games, can be incorporated into educating perioperative nurses on LAST signs/symptoms and management. Also include the success that has been achieved in different studies where serious games were used.

Goal and Objectives
3. Please elaborate this into 1-2 paragraphs
The overarching goal of this project is to improve management of complications related to local anesthetics in the perioperative period. The first objective is to evaluate current state of practice for LAST recognition and treatment. The second objective is to develop a serious game for education to promote education and staff engagement. The third objective is to increase knowledge for early recognition and treatment for LAST.

Market/Financial Analysis
4. Please conduct a market/financial analysis on the use of gaming applications in medicine today. Is it being used for education? If so, has it proven to be cost saving? Etc.
*This needs to be a deep analysis with good references.

Proposed Project Plan
5. This plan should include overall projected timeline, and budget.
Please discuss the creation of a gaming application that will decrease the knowledge gap of perioperative nurses on Local Anesthesia Systemic Toxicity (LAST). Please include how this gaming application will include fun and innovative scenarios that goes through the LAST treatment algorithm and will increase confidence in perioperative nurse. Also include that this application will also have a section with resources on local anesthetics and information such as the duration of action and maximum dosages of the local anesthetics. Also include how this application will have self-testing quizzes.
That’s the initial project plan, please elaborate and use proper sources to support the project plan.
*Please have the underlined and bolded as sub-headings for the discussion

Evaluation / Measurement Plan.

The first objective is to evaluate current state of practice for LAST recognition and treatment. The outcome measure is an appraisal of best practice recommendations for early recognition and treatment. The second is to develop a serious game for education to promote education and staff engagement. The outcome measure is by attendance, full completion of the activity, and user satisfaction with new educational modality. The third objective is to increase knowledge for early recognition and treatment for LAST. The outcome measure is the completion of pre- and post- project questionnaire to evaluate knowledge of LAST and treatment algorithm.

ALSO, include an evaluation plan. How will you evaluate if the project was successful?
Please provide a specific evaluation plan that aligns with the objectives from section 3 using a valid/reliable instrument or patient-centered metrics.

Ethical Implications.
7. Please discuss any possible ethical implications with using a gaming application for educating perioperative nurses on Local Anesthesia Systemic Toxicity (LAST) sign/symptom recognition and management.
*This only needs to be 1-2 paragraphs

8. Follow APA 7th edition format.

* Page count to exclude title page and reference section*