Explaining the indications, contraindications, and benefits of a Sport Massage that a Sports Therapist may use to treat a specific athlete (1000 words). The specific athlete is a runner with an Achilles tendinopathy problem that is causing them pain, reduced function, and impacting on their usual training.
An example structure for the work is:
• Introduction
• Definitions of the modality and how the modality works
• Proposed benefits to the athlete
• Indications and contraindications of using the modality
• Concluding remarks
• References
Useful resources and findings
Massage and Performance Recovery: A Meta-Analytical Review – PubMed (nih.gov)
Studies = 22
•Shorter massages (5-12 mins) have a greater impact on recovery than longer massages (12 mins+)
•The greatest effect is seen on short-term(<10mins) recovery vs longer term
•The effects of massage on performance recovery are rather small and partly unclear
•Questionable if limited effects justify its widespread use as a recovery method
Studies = 29
•Massage induces no significant improvement in measures of performance (e.g., sprint, jump, strength, endurance, flexibility or fatigue)
•There is a small benefit in reducing or preventing muscle soreness
•The is a significant improvement in flexibility compared with no intervention