Community Practice Project Essay
Community Practice Project Essay
Before work can be done in any Community Practice Project, a Social
Service Worker must first develop a thorough understanding of the
community they have selected for this assignment. For this project, each
group member is responsible for engaging in exploratory research and
writing a comprehensive report that will assist the group in understanding
the community selected as whole, specific areas of focus, and arrive at
clear objectives. Included in your report is research/evidence for the need
to support the community with your group project, how you conducted your
research and gathered evidence, the findings of your research and how
you believe this information will help the project. Please ensure that this
report is evidence-informed and does not include your opinion or feelings
on the subject.
Here are five topics that groups will be assigned to research: Pick one out of 5 of your
Question; Violence against women and girls: the shadow pandemic during COVID-19
Time will be provided in class for groups to generate questions for each topic that will help them
to understand their community of choice better. It is expected that the group will divide the work
equally, share responsibility for research amongst individual members, and use the group
contract to document roles, action items, timelines, and scheduled meeting times for the group.
In addition to the areas outlined above, each group member will include the following in
their individual report:
You will include at least 5 peer-reviewed research articles and grey literature (government
reports, statistical information, community agency surveys and reports, etc.)
You will list the questions you are taking responsibility to explore further and provide a rationale
for selecting the questions.
You will reflect on your initial learning about the community, and its relevance to you as an SSW
and link a theoretical perspective to your analysis of your research findings.
Your conclusion will include what you now believe the primary issues that are readily apparent
and what key issue(s) you feel your group might focus on.