3D Printing of Concrete Houses or Buildings

3D Printing of Concrete Houses or Buildings

-Research and explain how 3D printing can/will change the construction industry.
– Will laborer skill sets need to change?
– will more/less crew members be needed for this type of construction? Will this help or harm employment percentage
– Will 3D printed homes help get people out of multi- family living such as apartments?

What aggregates and materials are used to mix when 3D printing structures? Is it a different mix than standard horizontal construction? Is there enough material on earth to sustain the building of concrete houses
-What type of dwelling/structures can be 3D printed with concrete besides houses?

-How are 3D printers built on a large scale?
-What type of labor crews will be needed for to build/take down large 3D printer?

Cost, what aspects of 3D printing home will be cost effective?

Conclude with how 3D printing will change the construction industry for better or worse. What will be needed to sustain this method