Environmental Injustice or Racism Paper


The final paper should be around 9-12 pages in length. Upload it PRIOR to the start of class.
Over the past several decades activist groups and governmental studies have brought attention to the notion of environmental justice. For this paper, locate and elaborate a case of environmental injustice or racism (preferably one that has occurred in the past 20 years). This case should also involve a social movement organization (SMO) working to address it. Your topic must be approved in advance by the instructor.
Your paper should briefly detail the following:
• Problem overview
• Background
• Demographics of the area
• Key actors/institutions involved
• Victims and costs of the event
• Responses by government and local community groups
• How this fits into the environmental justice framework
• The role of the SMO in the conflict
• Resource mobilization
• The political opportunity structure
• The framing the SMO engaged in as well as framing used by other actors
• The success or failure of the SMO

There will be four stages to this project:
(1) topic due
(2) detailed outline of what will be accomplished in the paper (including references)
(3) final paper.

The first two stages of the project are required to secure a grade, however, they will not be graded individually. These stages are your opportunity for advice regarding additional sources and areas of specific focus. The final paper will be penalized one letter grade for failure to submit any of the initial two stages
The final paper must be between 9 and 12 pages, exclusive of the title page, references, and any appendixes or diagrams you feel add to the case study. The major points in your paper must be substantiated by references to articles in the news, academic journals, and/or professional books (not including introductory textbooks; and not including material assigned for this course). A minimum of 5 citations is expected, ONE of which must be an academic journal article. Please attach a reference page.