Healthcare Marketing Assignment

Healthcare Marketing Assignment

– 3850 wordcount
– Table of Contents
– References (in-text + citation) to be used. 5 references (APA 7th edition Style).

The assignment is case based so,
• Executive summary
• Table of content
• Introduction
• Body of assignment (questions related to case need to be answered)
• Conclusion / Recommendation if any
• References (in-text + citation) to be used. 5 references (APA 7th edition Style).
• Appendix – Any other information you may provide.

Healthcare Marketing Assignment

Write a business plan for a healthcare/medical start-up idea which would operate in/from the Saudi Arabia:

– What does the company do?

– What are your strategic vision and mission?

– How is it going to work at an operational level?

– What are the financial forecasts for the first 3 years going to look like? (i.e., will you need significant funding or can this be done as a shoestring startup?)

– How are you going to market your start-up? Through what channels? Who are your target market? (i.e., look to apply everything you have learnt in this module).

When writing your business plan imagine you are going to use to ‘sell’ you business idea to potential investors. These are your target audience, and although you should include correct referencing this is not a traditional piece of academic writing.

Your submission is a word document that clearly includes the following key headlines:
1. Executive Summary. (1 page)
2. Table of Contents. (1 page)
3. Explain the critical problem that the start-up attempts to solve. Include industry overview – historical and future outlook. (2 pages)
4. Identify the factors influence the future of the start-up company in Saudi Arabia. (3 pages)
a. Conduct PESTLE analysis to support your answer.
b. Identify the SWOT for the start-up company.
5. Identify the key segments of relevance. Use all segmentation approaches discussed in class. Justify the segments that you would target. (2 pages)
6. Determine the positioning strategy for the start-up company for selected target segments. (2 pages)
7. References
8. Appendix – Any other information you may provide.