Nursing Ethical Dilemma Case Study

Nursing Ethical Dilemma Case Study

Executive Summary: Ethical Dilemma
As an application exercise, identify a specific ethical dilemma related to the healthcare needs of patients or populations in the community. This application exercise is a case study of a situation of which you are professionally involved or one in which you are an observer currently occurring. Assess, apply ethical analysis and clinical reasoning. Discuss interventions. If the issue has been resolved, discuss your thoughts regarding the outcome. If the issue is yet to be resolved discuss possible outcomes and your thoughts. Include the use of supportive technologies used to assess, intervene and evaluate (HIT, monitoring devices, etc).
Points = 100
Description of the Case and the Ethical Dilemma – 20 Points.
Ethical analysis – 20 Points
Supportive technologies – 10 Points
Interventions – 20 Points
Evaluation – 20 Points
APA Format and Organization, include Title Page and References (minimum – 4) – 10 Points
Content: Title Page, Reference List, Content – excluding Title Page and Reference List 500 – 1000 Words.