Case study positive psychology coach approach

Case study positive psychology coach approach

Organization A has a new leadership team with the goal of improving leadership skills, manage change, and
reduce challenges when collaborating and working with diverse team members. After observing Organization A
for 3 years, executive Coach Tim believe it could benefit from leadership coaching with the goal of improving
on the team’s leadership development, navigating them through change, and encouraging positive
collaboration. Coaching can be a powerful tool for the leadership this organization as it can help unlock
organizations’ and leaders’ potentials and help them face current and future problems with confidence.
Use the attach articles P1-P5 for reference and answer the following items:
• Give an overview of a positive psychology coach approach
• Using a positive psychology coach approach describe how coaching can help Organization A by improving
leadership skills, manage change, and reduce challenges when collaborating and working with diverse team
• Discuss any challenges that may occur by using a positive psychology coach approach with Organization A